Competition: Identity



In the past couple of months the inhabitants of Yridia II have been uneasy with the Tarentum government following the exile of its Dark Council from its place on Antei. The Yridians have been restless and fears for their safety from the continuing Vong invasion in the galaxy makes them wonder if the Tarentum, and DB, is able to defend them from such. While the political issues have been quieted for the moment following the reopening of House Cestus, a symbol of the restrengthening of Tarentum to the Yridia people, things still are uneasy beneath the surface.
Today a meeting was scheduled between the Clan summit and the Yridia representative council to further discuss the problem and see how the clan can reassure the people of Yridia II. However, mere hours before the meeting; Castle Tarentum received word of a Yridia extermist group invading a Tarentum building in the city of Taras and holding hostage everyone inside; demanding Tarentum withdraw its forces from Yridia II. Bloodfyre and Armus see no choice in reasoning with them and wants this threat eliminated before their meeting with the representative council so that no one can deny that Tarentum is quick and strong in handling threats to Yridian peace.

Journeymen: Write yourself as part of this team (but not leading it) and what events happen within the eliminating this threat. You must write that at least the leader of the terrorist group gets away, the rest is up to you. Winning Journeymen entry will have their name for the terrorist group used in the next event. Equites and Elders: Write yourself as leading this team. Same rule, you must write that the terrorist leader escapes. The rest is up to you however. Winning Equite/Elder entry will have their name for the terrorist leader used in the next event.

Journeymen entries will be marked separate from the equite/elder entries but using the same scheme. Will be marked on plot development, creativity, continuity, and realism. Must be at least 3/4 a page, singled spaced, size 12 font.


any writing platform


Approved by House Summit. Awards to be recommended by either Archean or Adien. Competition designed to promote writing competition within the journeymen ranks. Part 1 of a two part competition series. Next part to be submitted following the completion of this one.


4th level crescents to the top 3 Journeymen and top 3 Equites/Elders; will be downgraded to 5th level crescents should there be not enough participation.

Competition Information
Organized by
Sage Lontra Boglach
Running time
2007-12-12 until 2007-12-26 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Tridens
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Szordryn Telnos
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place
2nd place
Dock Alfar
Dock Alfar
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

2nd place