I would like for each of you members of HAD's elite battle team to help me expand our armory.
I am the Battle Teams weapon expert, and am seeking others that like to tinker to create a custum weapon to add. These weapons are for our NPCS use in the Dragon Seraphim.
You may choose to do anything as long as it does not require the person to be force sensitive to use.
Ideas could be anything from swords, rifles, carbine, pistols, grenades, but do keep these in the realm of reality, and make sure they are something that a Clan would have access to.
Graphics with these weapons is also always welcome.
Please email entries to DJK Yeldarb Vohkou at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Approved by Qua RevengeX Palpatine, and BTL Impetus Korin Palpatine.
5th level Cresants
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