Play on the "Around the Twist" Level. Defend the exit by building towers and upgrading them. Sell towers, when necessary.
When you run out of health, take a screenshot and send it to Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth (syphoc[dot]rilkel[at]gmail[dot]com) and Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven (rasilvenaira[dot]stormraven[at]gmail[dot]com).
Flash game
Send entries to Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth (syphoc[dot]rilkel[at]gmail[dot]com) and Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven (rasilvenaira[dot]stormraven[at]gmail[dot]com).
Fifth Level Crescents to top scorers and Quartz Crescents to anyone scoring 10,000+ points.
Nobody has participated in this competition.