The February Gaming Competition will focus on rewarding active gamers who can't seem to place in regular Gaming Nights. For February, rewards will be based on a tiered system with members qualifying for different sets of awards based on how many matches they win. The tiers break down as follows:
1) 5-10 matches played 2) 11-20 matches played 3) 21-34 matches played 4) 35+ matches played
So, the top player in Tier1 will earn a low-level Crescent. In Tier 2, the top two participants will earn Crescents. Tiers 3 and 4 have CF bonuses along with higher level crescents, and the top participant will also earn a Pendant of Blood. (Note: Placing is determined by most wins, followed by most losses. 10-5 beats 10-0)
Now, these awards will only be earned if there is a high enough level of participants.
Official DB Gaming Platforms
Hopefully this will entice more "average" gamers into playing because they'll have a chance to earn awards that usually only the most active can earn.
Awards are given to the top two participants of each Tier, except the Tier 4, which will award three placings.
Top Participant: Cr-R + PoB Tier 4: Cr-A, Cr-S, Double CFs Tier 3: Cr-E, Cr-T, 1.5x CFs Tier 2: Cr-T, Cr-Q Tier 1: Cr-Q
1st place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
3rd place
Yadar Shyk
4th place
Syphoc Rilkel
5th place
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia
5th place
6th place
Ocih Weogi
6th place
Jorad Erinos