You have wandered outside of what is the normal realm of what you know into the land of dreams. A Fae spirit is watching you in the mist unknown to you. Eventually you grow weary of this place that you stumbled into and start to try and find your way back. It is then that the spirit makes itself known to you.
"You can not return the way you came. There is no way back that is easy The only way back is to solve the puzzles of the Fae."
OOC: 5 riddles will be presented to you. all you have to do is solve them the fastest. the first 3 that solve them all right first will win.
This and the Letter Puzzle was appoved by Pcon Ashia of CNS.
Email all submisions to your respective summit and me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4th level cresents for the first three
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