CNS Artisans Competition
Feb 1/08 Mar 1/08
Clan Run-On: Song of the Void
A run-on involving the Clan assaulting a Vong Fleet amassed at Telos. Underlying theme would be the use of preemptive force to protect the Orian System from a potential threat. 2nd Level Crescents
Essay: What it means to be an Heir to the Empire.
Category One: In character; An essay that describes a character narrating their vision of what it means to be in Clan Naga Sadow.
Category Two: Out of Character; An essay that describes your personal feelings about what it means to be in Clan Naga Sadow.
Platforms: Writing Awards: 3rd Level Crescents in each category.
Humor: The Rant.
Write a coherent but long-winded speech about any topic in the style of Xanos. Longest entry wins. 3rd level Crescents
Fiction: Rallying the troops in the face of aggressive action, what does character do to prepare for such a battle and how will they take advantage of the chaos of battle for personal gain? 3rd level crescents.
Fiction: Fred Fred the seal has been kidnapped and taken to the dangerous planet of Thor. we must get him back at all costs! Write a 2+ page fiction on how you found and retrieved Fred the Seal. stories may be Funny or Serious. E-mail entrys to Tash at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] please but Freds Saved in the subject. (As Part of his Knighthood Trials)
Poetry: Write a war-song. Glorify the Clan through words that will bring glory and death to the enemies that defeated us.
Poetry/Humor: Write a song to Darth Nephets, imploring his return to lay waste to our alien oppressors. 4th level crescents.
The Battle of Fred the Seal vs Darth Nephets: Participants will play either Nephets or Fred in a humor-minded ACC event, in the Clan Naga Sadow hall. Overall winners will receive 3rd level crescents.
Fred the Seal vs Darth Nephets
Im drawing a cartoon to be colored by the members. 3rd Level Crescents.
Graphics: Gaming
Part 1: Take a screen shot of an event during a game, and give it a caption that promotes or propagandizes Clan Naga Sadow. 4th level crescents, any platform
Part 2: Take a screen shot of an event during a game, and give it a humorous caption. 4th level crescents, any platform
Trivia: Will be overseen by Xander as part of his Knighthood Trials
Part 1: Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadows history, via email. Legion of the Scholar awarded to each events 1st, and 2nd, overall winners 3rd level crescents.
Part 2: Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House. Legion of the Scholar awarded at each event, 4th level crescents to overall winners.
Multiple plafforms
I catagorized each event by its importance, noting which events will recieve which awards.
2-5th Level Crescents, LSS
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Zaxen Isradia
2nd place
Warlord Robert Sadow
2nd place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
3rd place
Faeril Munlear
3rd place
Zaroth Rakiroyo
3rd place
3rd place
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
3rd place
Warlord Robert Sadow
4th place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
4th place
4th place
Warlord Robert Sadow
4th place
Ashura Isradia Sadow
4th place
Ylith Atema
5th place
Zel Koo
5th place
Warlord Robert Sadow
5th place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
5th place
Jades A Sadow