Competition: Tridens Chronicles

Tridens Chronicles


The Tridens Chronicles is a fictional project developed by the Tridens summit to increase the fiction of Tridens by providing a long term continious story for the House that will fill in the gaps between major fictional events (house wars, clan competitions, GJWs, etc). Hosted like a runon so members will have the chance to contribute to the project as it progresses and provide stories on their place within our house and clan, the Tridens Chronicles will be hosted from the House's messageboard. From the beginning post, members will have three weeks to submit to the summit a half - full page of fiction to be added to the story. At the end of the three weeks, top three entries will be selected and added to the messageboard thread with an additional post from the summit advancing the plot. From there a new three week period begins. Top 3 submissions selected from every three weeks interval will be award 5th level crescents. Only the the 3 selected entries will be added to the thread, as well only entries found suitable to the thread can be selected. If only 1 or 2 is usable, only they will be added and awarded. When major competition involving house fiction happen, this competition will be placed on pause for the duration of it with a post summarizing the competition's fictional events and outcome will be added into the thread and then the chronicles will resume from there.

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions/help please contact the Tridens summit or a veteran house member. Submissions to be sent to Raiju and Sephiroth


Fiction - don't care what program you use but save as a .doc file


Competition will be refreshed at my next house address


5th level crescents to 3 top selected entries from every three week interval.

Competition Information
Organized by
Watchman Lontra Boglach
Running time
2008-03-01 until 2008-05-10 (2 months)
Target Unit
House Tridens
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Szordryn Telnos
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place