Next month we will arrive at the five year anniversary date since the Exodus from the Emperor's Hammer. We are going to have a Taldryan Times release to coincide with the event, and wish to include a section for you the members to give your thoughts on the occasion.
If you have been with the Brotherhood since that event happened you can write on what happened, how far we have come, or just events of the past since then. If haven't been with us since that time, you can still write on events you've seen in the Brotherhood if you would like. Keep these more on a serious note all around, if some humor can go with it though that's fine.
Word, Notepad, email, etc. No limit on this, a few well written paragraphs would work fine.
Send submissions to CON Duga Taldrya Arkarso and PCON Chaosrain Taldrya
3rd level Crescents to the top three.
1st place
freshjive taldrya
2nd place
3rd place
Driftan Balephor