Arcona is hitting Broadway. If we were to make everyday Clan Arcona life into a popular movie, which actors/actresses would we use? Find an actor for...
Mejas Doto Sashar Arconae Your Quaestor Your Aedile Yourself
At least one other member, no limit on how many more you find actors for.
Email me at zaristotle[at]gmail[dot]com with the Brotherhood member and the matching actor. Pictures are optional, but if you are going to send pictures...make sure they are clothed.
Word, Notepad, the back of an official document, a deerskin, a cave wall...I don't care as long as it is text based.
Approved by Consul Mejas Doto.
I recently read the transfer requests of two members I greatly respected in Arcona, and what I read disturbed me. One of the reasons for leaving was lack of events, lack of fun in Arcona. So you know, let's change that.
Emerald, Topaz, Quartz for top three finishers.
1st place
Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
2nd place
3rd place
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae