Having secured the combat droids , you have just settled the freighter on its hardstand aboard Rending Hand. Klaxons can be heard beyond the pitted hull of the cargo vessel and looking out the viewports you see pilots hurrying to the gantries that lead to the racks of TIEs overhead.
Rushing from the cockpit of the freighter into the controlled chaos of the Hands flight deck, you catch a uniformed officer by the elbow and demand an update. The officer eyes your clutching hand resentfully, but acquiescing to the dark power at your command, deigns to inform you that a small Yuuzhan Vong taskforce has decanted from hyperspace.
Employing a gravity interdictor, the enemy is holding Rending Hand in place until Vong reinforcements arrive. All squadrons have been ordered to attack and kill the Vong interdictor so that the Hand can retreat to hyperspace. Releasing the flushed officer to his duties, you realize that though your mission is complete you stand to gain much in the eyes of the Dark Council were you to join this fight voluntarily. Not to mention that your own life is at stake.
But first youll need a ship...
OOC: This is the third phase of a three phase competition. Following the continuity of the story arc, the writer sends his character into battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. No puzzles, no games, just combat. Write your finest ship-to-ship space combat and help Rending Hand escape.
Glory awaits.
(Fiction) Word or Rich Text Format in 12pt standard font. Single-spaced. Four page minimum.
In addition to normal crescents, the writer with the best, complete three-phase story will be declared the overall winner and have his character featured in a future plot update and be permanently added to the Dark Brotherhood storyline. If no writer submits a complete three-phase story over the course of the competition, then no writers character will be added to the storyline and the competition will award all medals normally.
If you havent submitted a story for the first and/or second phases of the competition, you can still submit to this third phase, but unfortunately wont be in consideration for overall winner.
The best written story will be this phases winner.
Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or the submission cannot be counted.
2nd level Crescents for First, Second, & Third place. See comments for additional special award information.
1st place
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
2nd place
Colonel Shanree Argentin
3rd place
Legorii Arconae