Seng Karash, You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
The principle city of the Orian system and home to around three hundred thousand employees, the majority of the Dlarit Corporations civilian employees can be found on Aeotheran in Seng Karash. In an attempt to segregate the Clan military from the civilian population, Seng Karash is policed only by members of the Dlarit Security Force.
The Dlarit Police Force are the civilian wing of the Dlarit Security Force and are charged with maintaining law and order on the streets ofSeng Karash. The police are broken down into various other smaller units as is deemed appropriate for the particular tasks they are assigned. By and large there are in the region four thousand uniformed officers on the streets of Seng Karash, but that is not nearly enough to stop the Gangs of Seng Karash.
Your Task:
Create a Non Player Gang from Seng Karash for use in Clan stories/history/run-ons and other fiction.
Items to include would be:
Name Leader Crimes Associated With Members Part of City located in (Residential, Commercial and Leisure, Industrial, Government District) Origin History
Use your creativeness to make the gang as deadly or harmless as you want. The more detail and informative the better. More than one entry per person is permitted.
Send all entries to SWL Robert Daragon ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
This competition has been apporved by the Clan Summit.
1st place
Jades A Sadow