With the specter of the Clan Feud looming around the corner, it's time for a little Recon to sort out what we're up against! This is a simple trivia-hunt Competition, and all of the answers can be found within the Clan Plagueis and Clan Scholae Palatinae Wiki pages.
The questions are as follows:
What is the name of the Clan Plagueis space outpost often used for diplomatic negotiations?
The Vice President of Energy of Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings is Jamarie Kaylak. In what year was Kaylak born?
What size is the starfighter compliment on the Clan Scholae Palatinae flagship?
To which Regiment does Clan Scholae Palatinae's 13th Legion belong?
What are the names of the two Star Destroyers delivered to Clan Scholae Palatinae at the conclusion of Operation: Strike Back?
Competition approved by the Proconsul.
1st place
Legorii Arconae
2nd place
Jafits Skrumm
3rd place