ITS THE GRAND OPENING OF THE SADOW ARCADE!! And its time to spend hours of your valuable time in a mindless waste of mini games!!
Members may compete for top score in the listed mini games. To record score a competitor must take a screen shot of their final score and submit it to the judges.
When submitted each screen shot should be labled the game it is and the pin of the player ie
Preferably in JPG or JPEG format. (Galactic Warrior) (Delux Pool) (Penguin Arcade) (Ping Pong Bounce) (Snake)
I approve it with 5th level Crescents, not third. Make the change and resubmit it.
Judges shall be Aticus and Ashia if she wants.
1st Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E 2nd Place Crescent with Topaz Star Cr-1T 3rd Place Crescent with Quartz Star Cr-1Q
Nobody has participated in this competition.