God you Aedile is crazy. Wait that is me!!!!! Yes I have given you a picture of myself, so you can draw all over it and make fun of me. How many times will that happen?! Draw all over my face, make me donkey hats, funny shirts, a funny environment, bugs and so on. Please do enjoy and make fun of me. The funnier the better guys, seriously I won't be offended as long as you participate and make fun of me. The picture will be e-mailed to all of you. If you lose the pic send me an e-mail to receive another copy of it. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Only one submission will be accepted per person.
Use paint, photoshop and any other programs you have to draw all over. No scans please.
Approved by the AED and QUA.
Crescent with Emerald Star or less. First 3 awarded in descending order. The crescent will depend on the amount of people participating.