Greetings Cestus, I have developed a crossword puzzle that will test your knowledge of our house as well some of its past or current members.
Use the DJBwiki, clan website, and information from the main website to find the answers to the questions.
The crossword puzzle can be found at the links below:
Web-based Crossword:
Printable Crossword:
Contestants can fill in the crossword using the web-based crossword or print out the crossword, complete it, and then put their answers in the web-based crossword.
Once complete simply take a screen capture of the completed crossword, paste it in paint or similar program, and save it as a JPG with your name & dossier number in the filename.
Send JPG with subject line of Cestus Crossword & Name to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Only one submittal per member.
Approved by QUA & AED
Crescent with Emerald Star - First complete submittal.
Crescent with Quartz Star- Additional complete submittals.
1st place
Kazarelth Talismarr