While the majority of the Ekind are half-human half-reptile, reports from eyewitnesses at attacks have stated that some have evolved even further; growing wings and having the ability to fly. These winged Ekind have been said to be the most dangerous of the resistance.
The tribes of the Ekind are very religious, spending large amounts of their time praying to their god. We have found the location of their main church which holds some of their most precious items. Early reports have stated that a statue in this church is highly sacred to the winged Ekind and if this relic was to go missing they would be ashamed and would no longer fly.
Your task is to, without detection, infiltrate this church and obtain this statue.
Writing. submit in .txt or .doc. Send submissions to Consul Robert Sadow at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Submissions will be graded on writing quality and how discrete you can be.
Fourth level crescents will be awarded to the top three submissions.
Nobody has participated in this competition.