The Improv Comedy Show is a simple forum-based competition designed for the members to have fun and joke around while increasing their activity on the Clan forums. Each week, Consul Shadow will start a new thread based on a type of improv and each person will have to post within the confines of the rules explained in that first post.
Some examples include: one word run-ons, rollback where a scene is given and each participant goes back to a certain point and re-writes the ending, song creation where Shadow will post a link to a song and the participants have to re-write the lyrics of either a verse or chorus.
These small competitions will be judged on entertainment value and can be participated in by anyone in the Clan, as many times as they wish if the rules dont expressly forbid it. The goal is to have fun and work with your Clan mates to create funny stories.
Clan Forum
Third-level crescents Select entries/stories will be added to the next Tal Times!
1st place
Lord Halcyon
2nd place
Werdna Elbee
3rd place
A deleted dossier