Dark Traveler: Act Three
You stand beside Nerius at the footsteps of an ancient temple filled with malicious power. He cannot sense the taint of the Dark Side like you, but he is unnerved by the building nonetheless. As you work through the ancient building, the Kapsina native will guide you along the final steps to unearthing the prize he spoke of in the initial act of this journey. The treasure will now be revealed... but to whom will it belong? Nerius is a powerful warrior with uncanny skill. Will you forge an alliance or will a bitter duel ensue?
Your story picks up with the pair of companions on the doorstep of the ancient temple. Guide them through the final steps of their journey and claim the prize, only to reveal the final, true test: whom will leave with that treasure. Choose carefully, you are responsible for returning through the madness you have, thus far, created in a return to the halls of Clan Plagueis.
All submissions should be submitted in one of two formats: Rich Text Font (.rtf) or Document (.doc). All other formats will not be counted.
All submissions should be sent to Braecen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and the Clan Tracker ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Files must be properly labeled. You should have NAME(pin #)Competition. If I were to submit a file, it would read: Braecen4520DTAct3.rtf
Third Level Crescents (Amethyst, Sapphire, Emerald)
1st place
Eli Denan
2nd place
Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
3rd place
3rd place
Bal Demona