We all know how the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wiki met its cruel demise, but think about all the other possible excuses for the situation. Your goal is to write a story describing an epic, funny, and/or bizarre reason for how the DJBWiki could have possibly crashed. Think of it as an elongated version of the famous "The dog ate my homework" excuse.
This story must be two pages minimum and preferably in the first person, as if you're the culprit behind what happened and are trying to get out of trouble. The top three will be picked based on originality, humor, and mechanics (PROOFREAD the darn thing before you send it. Seriously).
Any writing platform, preferably Word or Notepad.
All submissions must be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
This competition has been approved by the Clan Summit.
4th level crescents for the top three submissions.
Nobody has participated in this competition.