Competition: Let's Wiki it Up!

Let's Wiki it Up!


Alright, so the end of the GJW usually means a time of reflection on the growth your character developed from the beginning of the war until now. So that usually means an update to everyone's wiki page and for the few that don't (like myself for example :P) it means that its time to get a working page going on yourself. So I've decided to run a competition for Tridens using the wiki to get all of our stories out there or up to date so that we can move on to getting these characters into the house and clan fictions.

So, until the end of the month everyone in Tridens has the opportunity to build upon their wiki and kind of beef it up some more. To enter the competition, email me before the end date and say you will be entering and upon the closing of the competiton I will review of participant's wikis.

I'll be judging 25% the page's appearance, and 75% on character development.

You can only enter if you have, or plan to, change/update your wiki. I will review what the page looked like before the start of the competition and what it looks like have insure there has been a change made. Those that have not made a change will be DQ'ed.

*I'm looking for signifigant changes, so like new sections added or complete make over. Little text changes, or a new paragraph (3-5 sentences) is not enough of a change to qualify

**No, I won't be entering either :P I just pointed out that there are some like me that dont have a proper wiki yet.


The DB Wiki


Remember to review the wiki course and T:Wiki reports before beginning for some useful tips.

Make sure to use the Preview button!!

Competition Information
Organized by
Sage Lontra Boglach
Running time
2009-05-09 until 2009-05-30 (22 days)
Target Unit
House Tridens
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Dock Alfar
Dock Alfar
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place