Competition: Night Raptors History

Night Raptors History


The Night Raptors have a wiki page that is currently blank. It is now my responsibility to fill that page with the history of the Raptors. Your job is to find out from our QUA Jade Sadow, how the team was reopened after the GJW, how I was chosen to become the BTL, and this history should also include how your character joined the Night Raptors. This history really should be just over a page, so I am setting the minimum of this to be 1(one) page. This history can be more than one page but just remember, that if there are more pages it will not guarantee success. If you find that you can not meet this requirement I suggest you ask the rest of your team mates as to how they joined the Raptors and why.




A page is Times New Roman 12pt font and single spaced. Jade and I will keep in contact to make sure that everything that is said in the histroy is completely true. Good luck Raptors.


5ht Level Crescents

Competition Information
Organized by
Fremoc Pepoi
Running time
2009-05-13 until 2009-05-22 (10 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Shadow's Bane
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.