Hello, all. Since Alaris said he doesn't really care, and i happen to be spearheading the project, I thought that I would run this little competition. What's it about, you ask? Easy! I want YOU, the members, to write up a full character history that will be used for various Non-Player Characters in the clans army. Near-Human races are a must, for this competition. You have rougjly two weeks and a half weeks to do this.
Writing: .doc format. All entries are to be emailed to Anubis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Alaris ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), who will grade the submissions and come to a decision on the winner(s).
First, Second, and Third place winners will have their histories featured for NPCs in the Clan's army. This is, of course, dependant on the number of submissions recieved.
3rd Level Crescents. Oooh, Shiney.
1st place
General Zentru'la