CONCEPT In the game Jedi Academy, there are side missions that the player can be assigned to which are semi-related to the plot but usually solo assignments. This was a concept that was also used in the (now defunct) Bounty Hunters Guild where members could request solo contracts that served a similar purpose. It is useful for furthering character development since your character won't always be hanging around the Clan and House grounds, and also making things a bit more fun and creative for when you have that extra bit of time. These missions will also help to individualize your character and give you something to personalize them apart from other activities such as the ACC.
Character building activities also help to improve your fiction. With improvement, you'll find that your writing can come to you more naturally and you'll find yourself having more fun as time progresses.
RULES A mission briefing will be posted to House Qel Droma mailing list. The briefing will outline a mission that you have been assigned to accomplish on your own (unless otherwise specified), along with a general description and basic stats for the target. Missions can take a variety of forms and can have requirements or restrictions placed on them to make it more of a challenge for you. For example, a mission to kidnap a target would be a failure if they died in your hands, or a mission to extract computer data would fail if the people guarding it see you and act accordingly to stop you from obtaining the data.
These missions should reflect challenge and realism to your character. Use the stats you have set up on your ACC character sheet against your target(s) and you should get a good idea of how the mission will go. For example, a Guardian would struggle to take out a Jedi Knight one-on-one whereas an Archpriest would not. You should be creative in how the mission goes as not everything will run smoothly from start to end. Examples would be having an unconscious target come back to consciousness and completely panicking whilst you're trying to make your way past a group of guards or a computer part blowing up rather loudly and distracting beings from the distraction that you set up.
In order for adequate detail, submissions should ideally be 3-4 pages in length using a standard 12 point font. Submissions will be judged based on things like grammar, spelling, realism based on your character sheet, et cetera. Previous mission briefings will be archived on the DJB Wiki so that everyone can have a go at each mission, though they will be ineligible for crescents for these archived missions. It will also provide everyone with a chance to practice their writing skills.
MISSION BRIEFING Kant Lavar continued with his work, a mere lift of the head his only reaction as he heard your footsteps approaching his desk. Lazily sliding a datacard across the wood, he looked up at you with a slight smirk on his face.
"Glad to see you got the message," he sighed and punched a button on his terminal. The lights dimmed, and a holographic image of the Mon Calamari shipyards appeared. "We're sending you on assignment to Mon Calamari. This engineer," he paused and hit a button again bringing up a profile picture, "one Mal Corno, is close to finishing work on a new reactor design that could allow starfighters to effectively use capital-grade turbolasers. We want that technology and we don't want anyone else to lay their hands on it. The datacard holds all the intel we have on him. You'll probably find him in his lab in the Mon Cal shipyard complex. Your mission is to get into the facility, steal the design, and then take all precautions to ensure anyone else working on this technology has to start from scratch," Lavar paused and relaxed back in his chair, watching your reaction. "Yes, that means purging Corno, and every staff member who might even have the slightest bit of knowledge on how it all works."
The Corellian hit the first button again and the hologram switched itself off. The room came back into light which stunned you a bit after bein
Nobody has participated in this competition.