Competition Specifics: Every one has at least one story with there character giving a helping hand to someone in need. What I would like for you to do is write a story at least one page long on your character helping someone in need in there past or present. Not very dark Jedi but we all know there are times that even dark Jedi give a helping hand. One page at least at size 12 font Times new Roman or Arial. Any other fonts will not be counted. Be careful but have fun.
All entries need to be turned into me and the Activity Tracker. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
All entries should be addressed the following way: AHelpingHand, Your title, Your name, Your doss number. If it is not saved that way I will throw it out. All entries should be sent either as a word doc or a note pad doc. So here is a sample of how it should look when you send me the file: AhelpinghandYOURTITELKairaRohana10057.doc That is how I should get the file in an email.
Word or Note Pad
Clan Leadership appoved
1st place
Liam Torun-Urr
2nd place
3rd place
Fang Ao Tian