Hidden under the folds of Lyspair's vast terrain rests a vast Brotherhood Library known as the Dark Vault. Here lies thousands of years of history and knowledge of the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Side, and the Galaxy and all that it holds. Between the hundreds of scrolls and datacards, there is information here enough to last a scholar five lifetimes.
A person's access to the Dark Vault varies. The newest of Apprentices are granted access to only the most basic of wisdom, while Elders see much more. So, too, does this rule apply for one's position. Even the Headmaster cannot enter as many rooms as the Grand Master, and indeed there are those sections that no one has seen since the original settlement of Antei's moon, even surviving the pillaging of the Yuuzhan Vong.
You have travelled to Lyspair to access the Dark Vault, searching for a piece of knowledge that will help you on your life quest. Little did you know, however, that you would find much more than what you asked for.
Write a short fiction of at least three pages detailing what you discovered within the tombs of the Dark Vault, and the impact it had on you. It may be ancient wisdom, reborn knowledge, or something of an entirely new origin.
Fiction; Three Pages, Single-Spaced, 12 Font
Submissions should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Second Level Crescents
1st place
Justin Wayne
2nd place
Kratus Vahillus
3rd place
Liram Winterhaart