Wandering the halls late at night, you see a bright light coming from behind a closed door. Upon opening it you are sucked into the room and black out. When you awake you find yourself on the planet of Coruscant. You note there is no sign of the Vong terraforming, and there seem to be signs of the Empire. In asking a civilian you learn this is in fact a time during the empire. In doing some simple math you realize the date you were given puts you in early 0BBY, shortly before the destruction of the first Death Star. What will you do back during the powerful days of the Empire? Will you aid the Empire or stand by and let it fall? Will you be responsible for the changing of history or allow it to happen? The choices are your's to make, but you must also live with the consequences. Write a 2 page minimum fiction about what you do back in time and what the out come of your choices are.
Fiction; 2 page minimum; 12 pt font; single spaced
Email submissions to xenmordin[at]gmail[dot]com before 11:59 PM EST on 4/4/10
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