Those To Be Reckoned With, or the Reckoners, as we are commonly known, are the brand-spanking-new House Kaerner fiction BT.
Fictionally, we are a paramilitary special ops group, based in Eden City on Yridia IX, that specializes in spying, assassination, interrogation, execution, and other fun things. We've got an awesome location, kickass members, and downright wicked weapons...but we need a motto.
Submit your motto ideas! The winning submission will be our BT motto and the top 3 submissions will receive fifth level crescents.
Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Fifth level crescents, and the winning submission will be the Reckoners BT motto.
1st place
Dralin Fortea
2nd place
Dralin Fortea
2nd place
Sa Ool
3rd place
Sa Ool