On April 12th of 2003 the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi split from the Emperorâs Hammer. The Anniversary of this Exodus is celebrated each year and this year the Heraldâs Office would like to help celebrate it too. Create/Draw your depiction of what exodus day was like (fictionally). Did we fought someone or was it just a mass exodus of people, what really happen on that day?
You can create a comic panel, a single image, take a live action photo, anything that you think will depiction the split in its entirety. It can be humorous or serious as long as it pertains to Exodus Day.
Graphic Software/Tool (Any)
Be sure to send submission to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
1st place
Joseem Maruuch
2nd place
Archangel Palpatine
3rd place
Jafits Skrumm