Write no longer than 2 sides on your feelings, expectations, past experiences and perceptions of Plagueis. Pour your emotions into your work and explain how and why you are a Plagueian; try and truly convince the reader that your home is the Clan. Try, if you can, to elaborate further and delve into the realms of your house also. Explain what House Exar Kun, or House Satal Keto means to you. Remember its as aesthetically powerful as it is with content, so remember all the things you learn from Poetry studies if you did it!
Its freeform, So I do not wish to divulge anything more than that.
Word, Notepad.
2 sides Max, doesn't necessarily mean it has to be that long though, as I say, its freeform, do what you think expresses your feelings towards Plagueis the most.
1st place
Liam Torun-Urr
2nd place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
3rd place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr