Someone amongst our Clan has broken into the famous Ektrosis Ice-Cream cooler! Not only have I let my guard down by protecting it as Quaestor, but someone must have seduced Bubbles into telling the whereabouts of the secret Ice-Cream cooler-keys! Its time to dawn the Sherlock Holmes cap and get to work!
You, the trustworthy member of Ektrosis are charged with solving this case of who broke into the ice-cream cooler. Write a short story of up to 2 pages Maximum describing the situation. Was it those dastardly Dinaarian's, trying to bump up their credibility in finding the secret stash?! Or was it one of our own?!
In the end, you must uncover WHO retrieved the ice-cream cooler keys, how they did it, and most importantly, what happened to the ice cream!? You have two weeks detective, so hop-to it!
Any word document. Must be a minimum of 1/2 (One-Half) page writing, 12 font NTR, in plain font.
You must, from here out, put "Sherlock-" at the before your name, or SHRLK for short. I do say, let's get this show on the road!
4th level Crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Most creative and humorous entries will win!
Nobody has participated in this competition.