The Competition will run for 4 weeks with different mission objectives for each week.
Week 1) Melee Missions. No wave limit, craft limit up to 6. Pure fighter to fighter combat only. NPC fighters if agreed upon by the other pilots, however A.I difficulty should be appropriate to the level the pilots.
Week 2) Combat Engagement. 1 wave of fighters per wing only. Craft limit may be up to 6. A.I Pilots only if agreed upon, A.I difficulty should be appropriate to the levels of the Human pilots.
Week 3) Capital Ship Assault. 1 fighter wave, craft limit up to 6. A.I pilots if agreed upon by other pilots. A.I difficulty appropriate to the levels of the human pilots. 1 Capital ship per side, which the pilots must defend while attempting to detroy the opposing ship. No super capital ships such as the SSD.
Week 4) Capture the Primary FG. 1 fighter wave, up to 6 craft limit. A.I if agreed upon by other pilots. A.I difficulty must be appropriate to the levels of the Human pilots. 1 Primary FG per side, craft limit of 6 for smaller craft. Mission orders set to disable and capture the primary FG.
Please note that for each match submitted, a complete flight list should be submitted also. This should include which craft were used by which team, which spot was used by each craft, how many craft per flight group, how many waves, what A.I was used. For example: Team 1/ Slot 1: X-Wing 6 Craft/1 Wave, A.I. Novice. Player craft should also be listed as follows: Player Zero Raven, Team 1/ Slot 1, Craft X-Wing.
Upon completion of a match, EACH pilot must send a screen capture of they're flight performance. This will show how many kills were obtained, how many times each pilot died and their total score, as well as if the Pilots team completed it's mission. Kills and total score for each game will be tallied, and the highest 3 pilots will recive from 1 to 3 points per position. I.E player with the highest will revcieve 3 points, while the player with the third highest will recieve 1. The points shall be tallied at the end of the 4 week period and appropriate awards will be given.
Approved by Jagen Phoenix.
Nobody has participated in this competition.