Basics of Competition : This is a story of your own making,your DB Character is in a Star Wars based city,your Master has sent you to meet a dark lord,who has many dark power's including Alchemy,among them. Your master want's you to collect,a dangerous poison which would wipe out a whole city if need be,tell us how you feel about this mission,and how you feel on the way,to this dark lord. Once there tell us how the dark lord has greeted you,and how the dark lord had made this poison,and the instruction's on what and what not to do with the poison....
Tell us how the Dark Lord,uses Alchemy,to make the poison,and how you feel about this mission,and what your Master want's you to do. Your Master want's to wipe out a City in the Outer Rim,as he has many people there he want's to wipe out,for control of the Outer Rim and it's Town's in and around it. Has your Master gone power Mad,with power should you go ahead with the mission,and that poison is it really the answer,how are you going to use it without,killing your-self,and or other' s around you before you reach,the target......
Once again Approved by Qua Cassandra EI'sin and Aed Koga Cage
Awards for 1st ,2nd,3rd Place's level 3 Crescent's
1st place
Cassandra El'sin