Competition: Title: Your First Step's Toward's Ultimate Power

Title: Your First Step's Toward's Ultimate Power


Basics of Competition : This I would like you to write about, when you first joined Plagueis,and how you felt,about being,in a new Clan,and then how it would feel.If you had'nt joined Plagueis,how different would it be, if you were' nt here in Plagueis,and how you would,if you were the Summitt . Of this other clan you were in,how you would run it,and how you as member would do thing's differently,if you were the one in charge. Of this new,Clan for example how would you meet and greet,new member's of your Clan,what would the Clan be Called and are there going to be houses within your new Clan. Or just the Clan as a whole,tell us about what war's the new clan has won,and and try to give a brief history,behind the Clan..

Once again use your imagination,go wild and see were you end up

You Can write 2 to 3 page's up to you.




Approved by Qua Cassandra EI'sin and Aed Kage Cage


Awards for 1st,2nd,3rd,Place's level 4 Crescent's

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2010-07-12 until 2010-07-26 (15 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Primus Pilus
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.