As per regular training/initiation in the Spectre group, you've now been dropped in the center of a remote (forested) island on top of Yridia IV. Your objective? Escape with your life. You are alowed to bring with you:
*Lightsaber or ONE Custom Weapon (DJK and above) *ONE Custom Weapon (JH and below) *ONE DC-15 side arm blaster *ONE Vibrosword/knife *In addition, you are also given one day's worth of food supplies, matches, etc.
I want to know what happens on this mission. Including the wildlife you may see or fight, your journey out of the forested island, or perhaps just one main point that happened during the mission. Entries should be at least 2 pages long with 12pt font. (Longer is appreciated.)
5th level crescents to the top three.
Approved by Scion
Nobody has participated in this competition.