You have the chance to vent and rant and rave and berate and verbally destroy a fellow DB member that has plagued you in some way, without them ever knowing it was you, and without anyone else ever knowing it happened. No trial, no reports, no public release, no hints, no witnesses. The caveat is that it must be a poem, in one form or another, and it must be directed at another DB character, real or fictional, though it cannot mention anyone by name. They won't know who you are, and I'm sure you'd like to keep it that way. This is, alas, strictly anonymous. Do your worst, and don't even consider holding back.
Note: Only Ronovi and myself will ever see any received entries. No exceptions.
Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, Notepad, WordPad, Word Perfect, Microsoft Works...
Competition approved by clan summit. Submit all poems to Giovanni Palermo at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
4th level crescents to the top three poems (Crescents to be downgraded if participation is low)
Nobody has participated in this competition.