House Dinaari has for longer than most can remember, produced only the brightest, most talented, and finest of our Brotherhood's Dark Jedi. Further more many of our Grand Masters have been forged right here in Clan Taldryan. Needless to say, our House and Clan has a history that is nearly untouchable by most, but what about the future? Not just the future of our Clan and House, but of YOU? This short writing competition has been designed with those ranking from DJK-SWL in mind, however there is a special exception for those under the rank of DJK that would like to try their shot in the competiton so long as they have completed "A Dark Honor". Members that participate will add four ranks to their current one for their writing and select one of the choices bellow to write about. For members under DJK that participate, they are to consider themselves 1 rank above DJK for their fiction article. Each story must be 8 paragraphs (4 sentences per paragraph) to be a valid minimum submission.
1 - You are far beyond your first days in the Dark Brotherhood, and our House and Clan. Based on your rank, your Order, and natural abilities what are you doing as a Dark Jedi for our House and Clan now? How did you get here? Write about your rise to this future, and the challenges you faced to reach it. (Reccomended for DJK+1 - DJK+3)
2 - The Brotherhood has shifted over the years, some of the Houses and Clans have crumbled and fallen, and even Clan Taldryan and House Dinaari has felt the change. Is this change a deadly blow to our society? Or is it a gift of opportunity for it? Given your rank, your Order, and natural abilities where are you now at in House Dinaari or Clan Taldryan? Are you a great warrior leading one its Dinaari's Battleteams? Perhaps you now reign over the entire house? Or are you now a powerful member of the Taldryan Summit? Its your choice! (Reccomended for DJK+2 - DJK+4)
3 - Our House as a whole has been summoned for a divine task set before us by the Dark Council, and our clan summit. The task is not an easy one, and in the process the Quaestor and Aedile have fallen and truly become one with the Dark Side. The house now turns to you as its Champion, and look to you to take up the reigns and lead it to glory. But the choice is ultimately yours! What was the task that took the lives of your QUA and AED? Do you step forward as Dinaari's Champion, leading it to glory and victory? If so how? Or do you use what remains of the house to achieve your goal of dominate power, resulting in you being the last of your housemen! Upon your return does the Clan Summit bestow you glory and reward? Or must you face them to survive? The choice is yours! (Reccomended for Equite 3 - Elder 1)
4 - Ultimate power is your only goal.. A powerful archenemy awaits you with a small army of his/her own. You stand as one of the strongest Dark Jedi in the Brotherhood, and to compliment this is your fellow brothers and sisters in House Dinaari, and in Clan Taldryan. You take yourself and the house into battle and the fight is more than you had anticipated! While the majority of Dinaari fights scattered, picking and choosing their foes as they come, you and up to two close allies in the house stand and face your Archenemy - a Sith Lord in avatar form! This battle is epic, but only you can write it! Give details as to which Sith Lord you face, the battle against him/her and their army, and the toll it takes on the house as well as what rewards you reap upon victory, or the exile you undertake upon barely escaping with your life. (REQUIRED - DJM-GM)
If none of these topics interest the member IT IS POSSIBLE to write your own plot line, so long as either the QUA or AED approves prior to the submission however the minimum requirement for paragraphs remain regardless. Any member may submit twice using 2 different plot lines, however only one story may take a slot as 1st, 2nd or 3rd in this competition. All submissions must be submitted to the Dinaari QUA and AED. The 1st Place Winner shall not only receive their Crescent but their winning
Nobody has participated in this competition.