Pilots from the Starfighter Corps are used to the freedom and exhilaration that comes with operating a snub fighter. When it comes to battle, whether it's bombing a capital ship or zipping around in Interceptors, no one can match the mobility and speed of a fighter. Understandably, when an Interdictor takes away their escape, it's like a nightmare.
And it just happened to your squadron.
An Interdictor vessel is keeping the FFC Perdition, and the Corps squadrons assigned to it, from escaping to hyperspace. While it does, other capital ships hammer the Perdition while squadron upon squadron of enemy fighter craft try to destroy you. Use the Force, fly well, and take out the Interdictor so you and the Perdition can make your getaway.
Use any models of enemy fighter craft and capital ships you wish, so long as one of them is keeping you from escaping and others are destroying Perdition. From CIS cruisers to Vong biot ships, this is not a DB Canonical battle.
Designed for Plagueis Military Merit System: Corps Branch.
Fiction, any font or spacing, will be judged on quality of content. Minimum one page(600 words.)
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Corps Branch preferred, anyone welcome.
4th Level Crescents to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
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