Many days have passed since Shaz'air Taldrya was appointed to the position of Quaestor over Taldryan; thus overcoming his former Master's (Vodo) place in the books. Questions in the idea of how such a outstanding and powerful Krath such as Vodo Biask Taldrya would step down with so much as a word have become public across Taldryan.
Rumors have begun to spread of form of high treason or a coup, while others say former-Consul Vodo was removed by his place by the Dark Council after much traveling and wandering on his part to harvest the Dark Side. A potential threat to the Grandmaster.
A comm. message is left for you after a long day of Clan Exercises; Quaestor Shaz'air has asked for your assistance!
Got a nice Fiction competition here for you guys, with 4th level Crescents. Yay!
You have received a message from your Quaestor. He wishes to find out the sources of these rumors and have you report them back to his office immediately. Write how you find the culprit(s), and what transpires after you report
Will you be succumbed into their ideas? Or will you too become infatuated with the reasoning for the switch in leadership and try to find out at the source directly? Or will you help your Quaestor in a potential cover up? What was the real reason for the switch of Leadership?
Any Word Document.
This is a 2 page Minimum Fiction, Font 12 Times New Roman or Ariel.
Send your entry to both Vodo ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ) and myself ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ). If you are in Phoenix then please send your entry to Rian your BTL as well.
4th level Crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Will be judged on Realism (ie. how you play your character and the characters of others), Grammar and originality.
Nobody has participated in this competition.