We are, as Aurek Cell, a brand new unit within the Brotherhood. This means that right now we have no identity, but that will soon change, and I am leaving it up to you, the members of Aurek, to determine what that identity will be.
Your task is to put together Aurek Cell's Wiki page. Include the summary, include the infobox, include our motto. Include a history, however brief and with whatever realistic backstory you desire. Also include a bit about who we are as a people. You all know Aurek's purpose as a training cell, so incorporate that into our identity.
Write up the article in a word document, not the Wiki, and email it to me.
Feel free to collaborate with other Aurek members on aspects of the cell, such as our motto, but keep in mind that the end result is a solo competition.
1st place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
2nd place
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia