A foreign ship has entered Tarentum space. When Yridian Patrol reports its armaments, the summit decides to send you in a ship to intercept the vessel. Whether you are a naval officer or not does not matter - the mission is simply to find the ship and take it down.
Pick one ship or squadron from the list and write at least a page of fiction detailing your adventures. This competition is open-ended for a reason: What the enemy ship is and why it's there is for you to decide. The fleets you can choose from are below:
1 - VSD II Corsair 1a. Intruder Squadron (A-Wing x12) 1b. Hurricane Squadron (TIE Bomber x12)
2 - VSD II Zero 2a. Infiltrator Squadron (A-Wing x12) 2b. Maelstrom Squadron (TIE Bomber x12)
3 - ENF Crusader
4 - ENF Khyven
5 - ENF Vanguard
6 - M/CRV Dagger
7 - M/CRV Mace
8 - M/CRV Scimitar
9 - ESC Anubis 9a. TIE Interceptor x72
10 - X-Wing Squadrons x3
11 - TIE Defender Squadrons x3
Word, e-mail, Notepad, or any word processor.
E-mail all submissions to Scion Altera at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
4th level crescents to the top 3 participants (to be downgraded if participation is low).
1st place
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow
2nd place
Ryllo Shaden
3rd place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater