Competition: [Intel] Know Thy Enemy

[Intel] Know Thy Enemy


In the wake of the Vendetta, Plagueis has heard whispers of a new enemy growing within our own system. Dark Crusaders, evil templars, religious zealots. All these labels ring true to their name, but what do we know about them?

Our new enemy for the Reboot event is known as the Dark Crusaders of Yun-Harla. Your mission, as the Intel Branch, is to develop information on the available biots they have. These should be realistic for Yuuzhan Vong technology, but also doable for freedom fighters with little to no resources. The goal of this competition is to familiarize yourself with Vong Technology, entries displaying this will win first place. Graphics or 1 paged Writing entries allowed.


Writing or Graphics


In Preparation for our Reboot.

Competition Information
Organized by
Zel Koo
Running time
2010-10-29 until 2010-11-29 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Plagueis
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.