Competition: Sentient Species Design

Sentient Species Design


There are literally hundreds of different species within the Star Wars canon universe. Mammals, reptiles, avians, insectoids, you name it! My challenge to you, fellow Scholae Palatinae members, is to create your own unique, organic species to add to the mix, along with a planet of origin and a brief history of the two. ^_^

My only request, and it is optional, is that you try to avoid the near-species route. I would much prefer that you create a new, unique species rather than take, for example, an Ithorian, and then alter it slightly and claim it as your own.

With that said, below is a list of required details that your submission should have.

(Illustration of your species and home planet are optional, and will earn you extra points for effort. Don't be discouraged if you're an unskilled artists, because you will get points for effort.)

Home Planet

-Name of planet

-Name of capital city, and any noteworthy spaceports or planetary oddities (i.e. gargantuan supervolcanoes, oceans of plasma, etc.)

-Rotational period (i.e. hours in a day, days in a year)

-Climate(s), and any odd weather phenomena

-Name of the system the planet is within, as well as the names of any other planets or noteworthy celestial bodies within the system, and, finally, the location of the system and planet relative to the rest of the galaxy (i.e Outer Rim, Core Worlds, etc.)


-Name of species

-Detailed description of their physical appearance, attributes, what type of atmosphere they require, and any type of special feature unique to the race (i.e. for example, the natural cold-fusion of the Duinuogwuin species or the absence in the Force of the Yuuzhan Vong)

-A brief history of your species, and any events of possible galactic importance

-Moderate description of their culture, government, and relations with other sentient species


Any writing platform. Any graphics platform.




Fourth Level Crescents will be awarded to the top three submissions.

Competition Information
Organized by
Reman Khaar
Running time
2010-12-12 until 2010-12-28 (17 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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