This follows the same model as the Operation: Black Train competitions which were run for House Marka Ragnos, only now for House Naga Sadow. Every activity in the DB has a point score allocated to it, which will be counted up at the end of December. Those who get the highest point scores will be awarded at the end of December.
ACC: ACC win=6 points ACC loss=4 points
Shadow Academy: Course 100%= 5 points Course 85-99%= 3 points Course <85%=1 points Mavens = 5 points Savants = 7 points
Gaming: Win: 3 points Loss 1 point
Competitions: Comps placing= 5 points Comps Participating = 3 points Running a comp = 1 points
Run-On: Making a Run-On Post: 2 points
All you need to do is make sure that you CC Teu and Tsainetomo on whatever you do, so that we can note down what points you've earnt!
Nobody has participated in this competition.