Competition: [Initiation] Problem solving

[Initiation] Problem solving


While hunting the dark side elements that exist on New Tython is the priority for many of the members of Jeth's Legacy; assisting the inhabitants of the planet is just as important for many members. While traveling the planet, many members of Jeth's Legacy interact with villages they pass through and try to assist the population.

OOC: While in search of any elements of the dark side, you and a fellow member of Jeth's Legacy encounter a problem in one of the local villages. Using the information in the document released by Ryujin, solve the mystery.

Most accurate solutions win, submission time counts for tie breaking.


None; email


1 of 5 Initiation events

Competition Information
Organized by
Watchman Lontra Boglach
Running time
2010-12-23 until 2011-01-06 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.