On a monthly basis, Clan Arcona will engage in a two-phased Clan-wide competition.
Phase 1 will consist of a competition open to the entire Clan.
Phase 2 will consist of a House specific event, created by the House summits, open to their members.
Each monthly Clan comp will follow an ongoing plotline, with the subsequent House comps being based on branching aspects of the same plotline.
Winning entries for all comps will be worked into the Clan "canon" history, to be posted and recorded into the Clan webite in story form.
Each following month's Clan competition in this format will have its plotline follow, and react to, the winning events and circumstances of the Comp that came before it.
In this way, Clan Arcona will having a continual story arch for its members not only to participate in, but as well have a hand in guiding through their efforts and ideas.
October Phase 1: Paired ACC Competition
Phase 2: Individual House comps, consisting either of writing or game platforms at the summit's discretion.
Arcona Stands Strong
Phase 1: 3rd level Crescents, or higher depending on effort and quality of work.
Phase 2: 3rd level Crescents or better, depending on effort and quality of work.
Nobody has participated in this competition.