For the Jedi there is no love, no passion, or really any emotions. However for the Dark Jedi we have no such rules. Through Love we can easily find hate and fear, two things that a Dark Jedi runs high with and uses to enhance their power.
For your task write a poem, a valentines poem, to the Light Jedi (can be a specific Jedi ie. Yoda or Obi Wan or just the Light Jedi in general) using these emotions. Tell them either:
a) How wrong they are for not using such emotions, and they power they are missing out on
b) Or a poem that is like a curse, such as how you hope they fall in love with a Dark Jedi or even the dreaded Jar Jar!
Make sure you add your pin and id line to the poem itself. Any poem style may be utilized
Any writing platform
All submissions go to Jades A Sadow ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Halcyon Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
1st place
2nd place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
3rd place
Kaz Raith