The crew of the CR90 Corvette Silent Scream has been tasked with a simple mission: Transport Dark Jedi messengers to the Cocytus system. However, before the corvette can navigate safely out of Deep Core space and undertake a safe hyperspace jump all the way to the Palatinae system, they are beset by a deadly foe: Pirates of a Hutt cartel, packing heavy firepower and intent to board and pillage the ship.
If not a crew member of the Silent Scream, you are one of the Dark Jedi acting as an envoy of Plagueis to the Cocytus System. Write a fiction explaining the events, focusing on the characters aboard the ship and the events that take place. Most of all, show us the odds against you as the well-armed and numerous pirates bear down upon you.
Remember that Plagueis is shrouded in secrecy, and that we cannot allow an entity such as a Hutt cartel to know of our existence. You may be forced to reveal yourself, and if you are, none can be allowed to tell the tale.
Fiction, five page minimum
Competition designed for the PLA Navy, send all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Entries not sent there will be disregarded.
4th Level Crescents to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 10 bonus merit points to 4th place.
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