Competition: Smuggler's Run

Smuggler's Run


The members of House Marka Ragnos have long been known as the instigators of great parties, and for the imbibement of many intoxicants. It is a fairly well known tenet that the house members often drink to keep their individual craziness in check. From Manji's twisted hyperactivity and Muz's voice in his head down to Tissaya's compulsive coffee consumption, nearly everyone in the house has some flaw, mitigated by the judicious use of their own preferred self-medication.

But we are running out.

The latest shipment of libations, due to arrive last week on a long haul smuggler's ship from Correllia, has not arrived. As madness begins to seep around the edges of the Dark Jedi in the Marka Ragnos Cathedral, Muz Ashen gives you a mission.

You and a fellow house member are to head to Corellia, and retrieve our goods. He believes that New Republic Swine (which he keeps calling Boss Hogg) has grounded the shipment before it could clear the spaceport. He instructs you and your comrade (Who he keeps referring to as "Bo" and "Luke") to take his own personal ship, the 'Fallen Spear' to bring back the goods, although he keeps calling it the 'General Lee'.

As the mission is in the heart of the New Republic's space, discretion is necessary, in order to keep the Dark Brotherhood's presence a secret. Speedy retrieval of the goods is also necessary, to keep the madness of the house members at bay.


Fiction - 12point times new roman, 3 pages. .txt or .doc emailed.


Be sure to include your fellow House member, description of Muz's 'hot-rod' alien ship (other descriptive works can be found in the house library under Muz' name), and how you were able to lose the New Republic Swine who were in hot persuit.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Running time
2004-10-25 until 2004-11-25 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.