In past competitions throughout the DB, you've been asked to describe how your Order is better than the other two, or how the othe orders are nothing compared to your sacred Order.
I'm putting you on the spot; prove to me what makes your Order special. Write this as if you are writing to the most respected person you know in tryig to convince them to join your beloved Order. Prove why you chose your Order over the others.
This can be either a poetry subision or fiction submission, though not both. In any form of poetry you deem worthy, or in fictino form of 250 words minimum.
This MUST be in-character.
Any word document.
Include your ID-line and PIN into your word document and/or your email signiture. Rememberto send you entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] . Entry must be IC (In Character).
5th level Crescents to the top 3 placers.
1st place
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya