Details; You've been having strange dreams, visions of great conquests, duels between masters of the Force, and entire planets put to the torch by the whim of a despot. None, however, were quite so real as the one you are having now. Because you're in it. You are seeing a vision of yourself, some time in the future, though you don't know how long in the future it is.
Write a 700+ word fiction detailing your vision. It must be dealing with the future of your character. Any time frame is acceptable; twenty minutes into the future, next sunday AD, or fifty years from now. Will be judged based on spelling, grammar, believability (if its two weeks from now, you're probably not going to be much stronger. Fifty years, and its anyones guess), continuity, and plot.
.rtf, .txt, .doc
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4th lv crescents
1st place
Liam Torun-Urr
2nd place
Shirai Dupar